Profile photograph of a worried young man


You say someone is emotionally unavailable, as if it were a bad thing.

Might it not also be a good, a necessary thing?


As long as you are emotionally available to other people, you are allowing them to have an input into you. You are making them important. You are in some way trying to please them, or at least get their attention.


Do not try to please anyone. Do not try to get anyone’s attention. Be the same to all. One is not different from another. To believe so is to become the prophet of division. Go not down this road.


Statue of a woman saint, south western, located in Santa Fe, NM


What is this about? What are you trying to tell me?


Statuette of blissfully sleeping cherub


To thine own Self be true. To the extent that you are trying to flatter, or impress, or control, or in any way care about the outcome of another person, to that extent have you given up common cause with your most holy Self, which has always been created, and has no need to flatter, cajole or browbeat anyone, having no needs. You mistake who you are when you try to please.


You mean not to care about the outcome of your own family members?


A woman’s hands reaching triumphantly skyward, breaking the chains with which she was bound


Not to care means not to be vested in any particular outcome. It is of course possible to love deeply and not be attached to any particular outcome.




What is an outcome but a potential future?  If you were to live only in the present moment, with no regard for past or future, no time spent thinking about either one of them, you would be freed from outcomes, would you not?  You would be freed from the fertile field of all your fears.

 Would you not do this?

I invite you today to the present. What if you, today, were to practice the present moment?


The perfection of a white water crystal against a black background


How is this to be done?


In the midst of a routine activity like brushing your teeth,  drying your hair, doing dishes, stop, put down all utensils. As slowly as you can count to ten.  Doing this creates a space for new thought to come. It enables consciousness. It enables all kinds of good that you yet have no name for, having yet to feel.

One technique practiced fifty times,  is better than fifty techniques attempted once.

Practice Presence


A woman leading a small child to Stillwater. The little girl is carrying her floating seahorse.





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