Monthly Archives: September 2017



Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love

Martin Luther King Jr.



As tired moths about the same flame


Evolve. Now is the time to rise above. We are talking to you personally, as an entity. You must evolve now. It is not too late; it is never too late. It is only about what lessons you want to learn. But let us shorten the need for time. Let us shorten suffering as soon as may be.

Who would not want this?


Evolve: a white dove on a blue background. Wings outspread.



But how, how is this to be done? We are tired of trying and failing. We’re tired of banging into the same light bulb over and over like tired moths.




Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Albert Einstein

Aligning yourselves into different groups based on anything at all, whether age, race, ethnicity, gender, or religion, is no more than a way of promoting division.  It’s a way to focus on difference and make it important. Most of your most deeply held beliefs are the result of nothing more than what body you were born in, and the time and place of your birth.



No one can control the circumstances of his or her birth. Paying attention to superficial differences such as these causes you to be stuck at a certain elementary level of discernment. Aspire Instead to be like blind people, innocent of the capacity to judge by outward appearance.


Make a different decision today


Liberate yourself from the past by making different decisions. You, whether you are thinking as a person, a group, or a country, have certain resentments that you will not put down. You use the past to sharpen and keep alive your grievances. This is living in the past.  If you live in the past, your future will resemble your present.

But if it is your goal to break free of the past, make a different decision today. Refuse to live in the past.


I will not be afraid


I refuse to be afraid, to give up my sovereignty over a thought.

I recognize today that anger and fear are two wolves that hunt together, and that one is never far from the other.  As soon as I feel the presence of either one, let me send them both away.


Leave my house now

Leave my house now


We will make much progress this way. Faithful students, practice well.





The first time you make an unfamiliar choice, you must do it deliberately, consciously, knowingly. If you are always seduced by sugary foods, the first time you say no to one must be something you decided upon first.


A donkey patiently trudging up a hill

Everything proceeds on your own decision. But, having once made an unfamiliar choice, it now becomes a choice you once made, and will unbidden present itself to you the next time you face the same choice. And of course the more times you reinforce a choice, the more it appears unbidden, until it seems to you that there is a choice, where one didn’t exist before. You can choose to ignore sugary food.


Once having refused it, the next time you are offered it, or notice it, or think of it, there will be the choice you once made. So you see the power of conscious choice.


In any situation you can ask yourself: what is the unfamiliar choice here? There is always a choice, even when you don’t think so. Remember how far away you are from seeing everything. Suspend judgment.


Habit is a prison

Until you make the unfamiliar choice consciously, in any context of your life or attention, it can never slip by your watchdog mentality. You must disarm the watchdog, and invite the unfamiliar choice in. And then do it. Thus does this choice go into your library of choices, which, if it contained only one book before, now contains two.



Making the unfamiliar choice in one context encourages you to see unfamiliar choices in every direction, and in this way is the warp and weft of your world transformed.



Each time you deliberately choose an unfamiliar choice, like so many ghosts unbidden, do legions of other choices summon themselves, and surround you. Then you realize that everything is a choice, and every moment is a choice, and you are set free.


Tell a different story

At harbor. Lautoka, Fiji