Not only is the world you see mirroring you, but it is entirely fashioned by you. It can only be what you call it to be.

The world embraces you, surrounds you, whispering in your ear, what do you wish?  Your wish is my command.



You communicate with the world through your habitual feelings


Each being has a set of habitual feelings through which it cycles constantly. These habitual feelings are enacted in the body in a thousand and one ways. Stress has a signature in the body, raising the heartrate, the blood pressure, shortening the breath, and splintering the conscious control of the mind.

Your habitual feelings create a feeling tone, unique to each being.


From the bridge at Fort Langley, Vancouver, perfectly still waters, with three jetties.


What will your feeling tone be?


Your feeling tone is evident in your stance, your pace, your gestures, and your voice. It is impossible to hide your feeling tone.  The effort to do so only further splinters the little self.

The feeling tone is seen in the aura, and detected in the energy around you. Obediently, with alacrity, the world, more than just mirroring you, molds itself into the exact form that complements your being, like smoke stealing into crevices, seen and unseen.

 A mirror is two dimensional merely, but reality molds itself according to your command in every dimension seen and unseen.


Thanks to Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash


How does this work? If you are despondent, if it is your mind’s habit to dwell on situations that you use to feel sad, or angry, or disrespected, or whatever other way you choose to feel, then the world around you has a clear, strong signal, and responds by sending more of the same kind of situations.


For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away

Matthew, 25:29


We are what we repeatedly do



If you were unable to exert conscious control of your feeling tone, this would be a dire predicament. You would be condemned to plodding around in the same dreary circles for eternity.


A donkey patiently trudging up a hill


Fortunately, you have complete control over the situation. You are not doomed to plod around in tedious little circles forever.

By becoming conscious of your habitual feelings, you can choose different ones.


Questions enable consciousness


When off balance, ask: “What am I feeling now?  What feeling tone am I creating?  What feeling tone do I want to create?

As much as you have conscious control of your thoughts, so much do you call your world into being.



Be still, and know that I am God