Monthly Archives: April 2015



Image of a human form floating helplessly in space


Who is the person who can obsess over details for an entire day, oblivious to anything else? Who is that person who wonders what she should be doing? Who wakes up in anxiety? Who feels overwhelmed by life?


black and white drawing of a business suit, but with no human form inside it


Who is the personality that you inhabit unconsciously, sometimes for days at a time? Could you agree that you pick up and put down this personality, like a suit of clothes, an outfit?

Could you picture yourself taking off your personality? Releasing it.  You will do this at the end of your physical body’s life span anyway; why not do it sooner? All the little angers that you seem to enjoy nursing, so often do you take them out and polish them, could you set these down as stones too irksome to carry?


Personality is constructed


All things of this world that you covet, thirst after, plan for, position yourself to get, all unneeded possessions, all ego gratifications, promotions, awards, prestige, position, power, all that you believed would make you happy, what has any of this done but kept you questing after it?  You are in its power.


Closeup of a spider web

Image by George Rosema on Unsplash


What if you discarded all of this as a sticky spider web that you had to pull off, piece by piece?  How much power could mangled, broken bits of a web have?

All the fears you have, a whole horde of them seen and unseen, let them out of their cages now, look on them, just a hungry pack of wild dogs. Let them go now; they’ll run away. Why were you keeping them anyway?

All your personality traits, let them go now, like so many garments dropping into the discard basket.


You are not a personality


Black and white drawing of a human figure dropping trash into a wastebasket

Image by Gary Chan on Unsplash

Once you have discarded all the fears, worries, and busyness associated with projecting this personality, you will reveal your inner core, and allow it space to stretch out and grow endlessly, a drop of dye in an infinite body of water, joined together, evolving together.

Would you not do this now, rather than later?  Would you not choose?

 Enlarge me




Worried face of a woman


Stop saying one thing and doing another.  You are not being true to yourself; this only wastes time.

Why do you say different things to different people?  Why are you tailoring your speech to your audience, your audience to your speech? What is this but defending yourself?  From what?  What are you afraid of?


A posable doll with hands held out in questioning attitude.


Stop pretending to yourself.  Stop thinking about your personality, who you are in this world.  It is not important. Let it go.


Four yellow balls with painted faces: sad, happy, angry, and worried.


Stop talking about yourself, relating past stories, selecting events to highlight some aspect of your personality. Stop replaying past conversations and planning future ones. You do not need to create yourself.  You have already been created.


Stop being less than honest in any way at all. Dishonesty only begets more of the same. Be open to all, and be the same to all. Make your thoughts, words, and deeds match.  You are the same always.


An eagle high in flight above snowy mountains

To be one thing


To be constant is to be one thing, not to listen to other voices, only to be directed from that wellspring of wisdom within. To be constant is to be ever and always the same, subject to no changes.  It is to be out of time, pardoned from it.


control 9

Stop playing roles.  You have many; you know what they are. Some of them you love, some of them you hate, but all of them you picked up. By all means, fulfill the function that comes with the role: raise your children with love, as best you can, be a dedicated listener for your friends, be a caring physician for your patients, coach your team with enthusiasm and joy. Whatever they are, fulfill your functions well, with grace. And know you are not them.

You are always something more than any role.


The universe becomes conscious through me


Stop Playing Games: a water droplet captured in the instant it looks exactly like the conductor of an orchestra.






If there is just one thing you could do to transform your life, it would be giving thanks.


at beach


Thank you for the solitude I am enjoying to write this. Thank you for the warmth I am in. Thank you for the quiet all around me.  Thank you for the food we eat. May all beings be as well fed. Thank you for providing for our material needs abundantly. May all beings be as well cared for. Thank you for Al Anon meetings.  Thank you for community and commitment. Thank you for honesty.  Thank you for the world beyond what we can know with our physical senses.  Thank you for inspiration, that breathes through physical people to enable them to create what was not there before. Thank you for joy, that liberates us from all anxiety, dealing with it as the desert sun to a raindrop. May we be subsumed by joy.  May we lose our personalities in it.


partial vision



Whatever you pay attention to increases. What would you increase?  Whatever it is, you can pay conscious, loving attention to it by giving thanks.


giving 6


Would you increase co-operation? Give thanks each time you see, hear of, observe, think of, or remember any instance of it. We are so grateful for this example of co-operation (or love, or peace, whatever you want to increase). May we always be taught through inspiring examples like this. May we forever remember the feeling state of this beautiful example of co-operation.

You will clothe yourself in co-operation this way. You will become and attract co-operation.


Giving thanks brings abundance


Is it solitude you want? Give extravagant thanks for each moment of solitude you get. Solitude is very close to peace.

giving 2

I give thanks for the solitude I am experiencing right now, and I give thanks for all the activities that can be enjoyed in solitude: thought, meditation, yoga, reading, writing, playing, painting.  I give thanks for all the beautiful moments of solitude I have enjoyed until now. Thank you for sending these wonderful gifts my way.  My soul gives thanks.


If the only prayer you ever say in your life is thank you, it will be enough.

Meister Eckhart


thanks 9


A donkey patiently trudging up a hill


I don’t understand anything in life. The older I get, the less I understand.

Stop trying to make sense of it, to give it a meaning. You are constantly trying to do this. Whenever you get sad, or depressed, or overwhelmed by the happenings of life,  it’s because you can’t make a meaning out of them.

Would you stare at a vat of bubbling mud and try to impart meaning to its random splats?  Of course you would not.  There is no sense in studying what is random and ephemeral.


Image by Janice De Santis

Give up trying to fix narratives on the happenings of the world. Give up pretending you know the reasons for anything. You don’t.  Reasons don’t even exist where there is no cause and effect.  One thing does not cause another thing, as you think. Rather do they co-exist, as everything co-exists. It is you who have linked them with your act of thinking.


A figure in lotus position


This is what we mean when we say you created the world you observe. Mind preceded this world, as it must precede all worlds. This world you observe is what you gave birth to, by your allowing, by your linking of ideas.

Who is it who observes the world you made? Who sees it with physical eyes, who interprets it through the physical body?

It can only be you. Your act of observing changes the world you observe. Each appearance molds itself to you, who called it forth with your desires, beliefs, words, and feeling states. This is an interactive universe, friends, and it starts with Mind.

A worried, pensive young man

You could spend your time minutely studying the little results of what your previous thinking allowed to come forth. You could wonder why someone is an alcoholic, or why no one wants to change the way you want them to, or why these people are so lazy. You could think obsessively about the happenings of the world and try to impart meaning to your partial view of them.

Or you could give up this boring, hopeless task, leave it to someone else; it never needed to be done anyway. Trying to understand a problem keeps you in the problem. Forget the little results and turn your mind to prime movers.

If I have created this world I see by my thinking, let me at once absolve it. This means forgive everything about it that I don’t like.

Forgive, as if it never happened.  Spend no more time on it.

And into this giant, newly-created vacuum, let me now choose what ideas I would like to spend time on, and create. Let me take out images of peace. Let me see all beings laying down their arms, making a huge pile of weaponry, beyond all use now, and destroying the pile, as if it never existed. And let me see them now turning unto agriculture, and nurturing the earth, and feeding the hungry.


May the earth be healed




Luxury boats parked outside luxury apartments, a picture of affluence

Image by Janice de Santis

You set a great store by what you call the real world. “How will this help us in the real world?” you ask your teachers. “You need to live in the real world,” you exhort others. You think that everything of value to be had, exists there. If you only do, get, or become this or that, you will attain happiness.


A confused cartoon figure with hand scratching head, not sure which way to turn


But what is your real world?


Is it not only what you apprehend with your five physical senses? Is it not what you see with your body’s eyes, even though most of you do not see what is before you, but prefer to dwell in the past? Is it not only what you can hear with your physical ear, or taste, smell, or touch with your body? You are saying that nothing outside this world that your senses bring you, is real.


An engagin child, smiling, upturned palms, hands held apart. Why?


And why do you call it the real world? If this was all the world there was, what need would there be to give it an adjective? There would be no other world to distinguish it from. To call this the real world implies you know there is another world, which is placed somehow in opposition to this one.


The perfection of an ice crystal against a background of a dark, star-filled sky


What might this other world be like? Everything not available to the five physical senses would have a place there: faith, inspiration, love, invention, creation, joy, and guidance.

Friend, would you live without these?


A mountain lake, peaceful reflections, framed by a tree branch

Image by Janice de Santis

You can name which world you want, as the real world. Each one makes his choice. Is the real world this physical world of discord and suffering that you see all around you? Or is the real world a timeless state of endless creation, joy, and peace? Which would you have be the real world?


An ancient, trashed suitcase

You get to choose, and choose again, every moment. When you choose each moment to live with God, evils are forgotten, superseded, left at the side of the road like useless old baggage. All stress, anxiety, and pain are gone, melted, dissipated, as you rise again, reconstituted in glory. Which world would you have be real?



It is only the mad little ego that bids you call the physical world “the real world”. But that which must be endlessly proclaiming its own reality, knows of its unreality. It protests too much. The ego knows its world is not real.



A series of waves in a blue green sea


To pay attention to your physical world is like watching the constant, endless waves of the ocean, and studying their differences. That wave is shorter than the others. This one’s top is breaking off a little. A breath of wind has ruffled up another. You call it the real world but there is no meaning to be had in any of it.

What if instead you examined the world that your real world is set up to refute? Here in the physical world, everything is endlessly changing, waves upon a shore. There, is no time and no change. Here, things are imperfect and in constant need of fixing. There, is only perfection, and all is eternal.


Let all that is not helpful be swept away

Sunset upon a shore. Wistful trees farewell the sun going beyond the horizon.



Human concerns: the worried face of a young woman


I don’t want to have the concerns of a human.  As soon as my mind starts to fill with human concerns, I feel distaste; I recoil. Did I come here just to worry about what career to have, or how to make more money, or who not to offend in planning a wedding, or how to get my brand better known?


But you are not a human


No. I did not come here for any of that.  All of those, and any of the myriad little decisions, manufactured crises, smokescreens, and endless trivia that the ego tries to throw in my way to distract me, I am happy now to push off onto someone else.  There is always someone to take it, and I am happy to delegate.


Human concerns: Closeup of the hands in Michelangelo's Creation of Adam; life conferred by God to man


Do not have the concerns of a human. The ego wants you to keep believing this is who you are. This appears to be very easy for the ego to do, as many people as are entangled in its snares.

But you are not a human, friend; you are only choosing to have a human experience. Your human journey does not need to be frightening, although many of you choose to make it so.  If you would but realize that none of this is you.  Nothing that you choose to identify yourself with in the human dimension is you.


Human concerns: A woman stares out of a window, deep in thought, ruminating


You are not your career, with all its attendant concerns, dramas, and satisfactions. It is but a tool you pick up to have certain experiences.

You are not your body, with all its tastes, needs, wants, and mechanical problems. This is only a vehicle you are choosing to use right now.

You are not your position in any society, hierarchy, or group. It is only a role you are choosing to evoke certain experiences. But it is not you.  You have but picked it up for a while. Sooner or later, you will put it down.


Human concerns: drawing of an angel with white flowers in hand



Rusted out old vehicle

You are not any of your possessions, all subject to worm and decay. In fifty years, how good will the most prized of your possessions be? All will be dilapidated, trashed, forgotten, dated and strange, along with the memory of the personality who clung onto them so tightly.



You are not any of your failures, shortcomings, weaknesses, all of what you think of as your imperfections, no matter how much you despise them. Neither are you any of your abilities or achievements, no matter how much you prize them. You are not a gold medal or an Oscar, a degree, trophy, award, or title of any kind.  You are nothing that can be measured in numbers, or compared with anything else.


You are not your age, gender, sexual orientation, or time and place in which you live.  Anything on earth that you choose to identify with, is less than who you really are. Know that all your earthly experiences are part of the human experience you came here to have. Turn them to their best and fullest purpose, take joy in them, but know that you are not earthly experiences.


A white dove on a blue background. Wings outspread.


Time spent in worrying about human concerns is time wasted. Leave that to someone else.  There is One who will pick up all the human concerns you renounce, One who sees everything, and Who can bring all your concerns beautifully and easily to resolutions more peaceful and joyous than any you can now imagine.


You need do nothing

