Monthly Archives: March 2018



 These illusions you cling to, could they not be merely clouds that obscure the sun?



What do you cling to?  Is it that little bit of status you get from your job, or how you look, how big your house is, how much money you have, or anything you can do?  Go ahead and think of three you are still attached to, three areas that pique your ego’s interest, encouraging it to dwell in illusion.

  1.  The illusion that I am smarter than others. 

People have many ways to supposedly prove that they are smarter than others.  They tend to favor the ways in which they themselves excel, of course.  Some people think degrees prove smartness, the more the better.  Some people think which school you went to also proves you smarter than others.  Hence the intense competition to get into one above another.

Others maintain degrees prove nothing, because they know people who were successful without going to college, and still others who, though they did go to college, had no sense.  And so on.

All you need do is recognize that this valuing of smartness is no more than a seductive guise of division. Abandon it.  You can put your attention anywhere else.

What is another area in which you still harbor shreds of illusion?




2.  Anything from the outward appearance of the body.  Any approbation I give myself to feel pride about it in any way.  What am I doing but creating opportunities to feel vainglory, using my body as its tool?  Is this what I want to be about?


How easily the lure of outward appearance is disarmed, simply by closing the eyes.  You give so much credence to the light show that the body’s eyes see, not realizing it is merely the projection of your own mind you look upon.



For in and out, above, about, below,

‘Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show,

Play’d in a Box whose Candle is the Sun,

Round which we Phantom Figures come and go


The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam



For the third ego attachment, find some aspect that reliably gets you into a negative feeling-state.  What do you think about obsessively?  What causes you to ruminate?  What situation is the current focus of your negativity?  Can you name it?


3.  It changes constantly with my focus, but the current focus of my negativity is my fear of pain and death.


Let’s get down to root causes, so that we can eliminate the need for time.  Instead of entertaining a focus for your negativity, wouldn’t it be easier to dismiss your need for negativity altogether?  Get rid of it; it has nothing good to bring you.  Instead of endlessly analyzing every species and varietal of negativity, do yourself a favor, pack the whole lot up, leave it out at the curb to be taken up or swept away.


No illusion withstands examination









Everything that is outer is a reflection of what is inner

Everything that is outer is but a reflection of what is inner


I used to analyze myself endlessly.


The ego loves it when you do this. He offers you seductive encouragement at every turn: your feelings are all that matter, other people are stopping you from feeling good, and everything, all the guilt and anger you feel, is their fault.


We drift in and out of different roles, as it seems to me, without any sense of having made a choice in any of it. Things continue to happen, randomly, coming out of nowhere, things you never saw coming…..and on and on.


Recognize that this is all the ego’s ploy to keep you here, endlessly fussing and fretting, completely unconscious. As far as the ego is concerned, there will never be any solution to what you call your problems. Your utter absorption in them is the whole point to the ego, who is afraid you will wake up and send him and his futile misery packing.


Image by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash



Stop searching in the outer realm for what you want. Everything that is outer is only the mirror of what is inner. Turn now to what is inner. Make this a conscious choice.  I turn now to the inner. Makes this choice as frequently as you wish.





When your attention is tuned to the inner realm, you will see that all of your experience is chosen by you, and you will be able to make a conscious choice about what experience you want to have. This realization will be accompanied by a feeling of uncommon peace and calm. You will want to spend as much time as possible in this newfound state.


An eagle flying over mountains, outstretched wings


Life will change from a series of random, frightening events in which you felt you had no choice, to a rollout of perfection and manifestations which at one time you’d have deemed impossible, and which you now look upon with familiarity, hardly noticing, so focused are you on the perfection within.



You waste so much time reacting to the world you see with physical eyes. That is an endless task, as long as you let it.

Why would you let it?

The outer world is only a thrice-removed specter.  You are witnessing the reactions of wishes made long ago.  You are cavorting with dead forms.  Why?  Send away these pallid ghosts. Why warm yourself by the flame of a single match, when you could have a bonfire?  Go within, to your hearth’s charity’s hearth’s fire.


Inner space



Light: an early iris pushes up against snow


“When one consciously reaches within the Inner Electronic Circle of God, he makes his outer expression and activity a channel for the ceaseless outpouring of the Pure Essence from the Godhead.  This in itself, though he be entirely silent in the outer expression, is one of the greatest services to humanity.”  St Germain, The I AM Discourses, Vol. 3.



ligh: a lotus flower so filled with light as to see back lit

Consciously reach for the light

Though you be entirely silent in the outer expression, that is, if you do nothing outwardly, if you say nothing outwardly, all the same you can effect the greatest service to humanity, if you consciously reach for the light.


Who would not want this?


If you are filled with light overflowing

If you are filled with light overflowing



If you are filled with light overflowing, this will increase to the point that every situation you ever paid attention to, are paying attention to, or will futurely pay attention to,  will be so touched with the same light emanating from you, who are intimately involved in each one, that every single thing will be resolved, is resolved, was resolved a long time ago, to the satisfaction, the highest good, of all concerned.



Give peace your attention

Give peace your attention



If you would effect peace in your personal relationships, your work, your family , your country or your world, cosmically, the remedy is exactly the same: begin within. Spend some time welcoming peace, allowing light. Give thanks for the renewed peace within. Pay attention to peace. Thank it for being there. Give it your attention.


Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you

Maori proverb

light 11




What should I do?

What should I do?


Examine your motives.


You spend an inordinate amount of time wondering about what you should do. Every advice column gives examples of this, and exists because of your endless uncertainty.  You resemble small, dithering, blind mice in this. Should I marry this one, or that one? Should I leave this one? Should I invite this one to my wedding? Should I cut this one off?  Should I do this job? Should I retire?


Examine your motives; a circular cage

A cage of circular arguments


On and on, round and round you go, a rat trapped in a cage of circular arguments. There are always plusses and minuses, pros and cons, so you spend your time weighing one against the other, looking for advice and opinions, always worried that you are going to miss out, you will lose, you will get it wrong.  That is what animates you when you are wondering what you should do in any context.



Wondering what you should do is a form of fear.  It’s a powerless way of trying to control an outcome. You are asking: what particular set of circumstances is most advantageous to myself?

Wondering what you should do is a way to perpetuate a status quo.

It is a way to be afraid of what might happen.

It is a way not to make a decision.

It is a way of trying to control the outcome.



So what are you saying?  We should just make decisions recklessly, without carefully examining everything first?



Just that you don’t need to do that. That you could instead take a step up to the next level of thinking. As long as you are thinking about making good decisions, experience will present itself to you as binary choices with possible fearsome consequences.  As long as you believe your decisions can be good or bad, so long will you be trying to protect yourself against bad ones.


Always begin within


You could also believe that it is not up to you to provide for yourself, that you are always provided for.  You could give thanks for each way you are provided for.  Whatever you pay attention to increases. It is law.


Instead of wondering, examine


The next time you find yourself wondering what you should do, instead of wasting time thinking of possible outcomes that favor yourself, examine your motives.  Should I take this job? You will have a list of pros and cons, whether you wrote them down or not. But it would be so much better and easier for you if you armed yourself with honesty. Why do I want this job? Why don’t I want this job? Be brutally, relentlessly honest.  I want this job for the money and the status. I don’t want this job because it depresses me to do it. Spend time with your motives; let them be known fully. Examine them fully. Release any fear.

Examine motives

Release any fear



Then, when you have examined your motives, own them:   I am staying with him because I need the money.  I am taking this job because I don’t think I can get a better one. I am afraid I won’t find anyone else. To own your motives is to be relentlessly honest. And if spending time with your motives doesn’t feel good, you can always lose them.  Tell them to go.


But how will I make any decisions, if I have no motives? I would have no criteria to go on, no way to judge anything.



You decide to stop procuring for yourself. You change your messages.  Instead of “What should I do?”, you could entertain:

I am always provided for

Thank you for all that I have

May all beings be as well-provided

Thank you for providing for me so well


Notice examples of good provenance, give thanks, enlarge, enjoy.


We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them

Albert Einstein

Examine your motives: Abert Einstein





Fears: an archer steadies his bow to shoot

Each muscle is conditioned by practice

This is something you must practice. It cannot be an idea you admire once, and put by.  This is your most powerful tool in the service of your own good. Each muscle is conditioned by practice. Whatever you practice must improve, in exact accordance to how much you practice. Whatever you focus upon, increases. It is law.



Fears: a brooding, circling dark eagle

Invite it out, and then dismiss it

Practice releasing your fears one by one. First of all, acknowledge them. When next you feel that familiar stab of anxiety, that tensing of the stomach, that breath-shortening, that mental obsessiveness that accompanies a fear, ask yourself: fear of what? What am I afraid of here? Invite it out into the open, thank it for being here, and then dismiss it. Let this fear no longer have power over you. Let it go. De-energize it.



This will soon be your nature

This will soon be your nature

Is it possible to imagine any different outcome than this fear?  Of course it is.  What is not possible that you could imagine? Go ahead and imagine three possible better outcomes than the one your fear uses.  Do that now.  Dismiss each fear that you ferret out of yourself by imagining different outcomes. This will soon become your nature.



When you release fear, you make yourself immune to the manipulations of others. Since it is you who chooses the outcome you want, the feelings you want, and the experiences you want, no other person can have power over you now. They have nothing that you want.  You are free.

You are free

You are free


Can you see how your fears give away all your power?  You have no power before a fear. It is up to you to choose: fear or power?  No one else can do this for you. It cannot be a difficult choice, between nothing and everything. The price of choosing everything is to release all fears. Would you not start today?



Your being will continue to feel the effects of fear, as long as you still have the receptors for fear.

But why would you keep them, when you could as well release them?

Lose no time now in confronting and releasing all your fears.  Root them all out. What power in broken habits!


May a miracle intervene here

Fears: a beautiful fractal inviting infinity



You take comfort in the fact that it is little, because you do not think you can give something big. You are afraid of being too much changed. You are still trying to protect yourself. You don’t yet realize that to give the little willingness is to give all.


Once the process has begun, it must be complete


Willingness: a spray of fruit blossom, white when opened, pale pink in bud


This little willingness, how could it appear? It could come as an agreement to do something in a new way. You might tell yourself, just because she does not call, does not mean she is angry, or tired, or never going to call again, or any other projection.  The next time she does not call, I will not project any outcome. I will tell myself, I do not know, and let all be well in its own time.


Willingness: a bright yellow flower's petals tightly curled, ready to unfurl


The little willingness might show itself in recognition of a pattern you have been held in.  You might of a sudden realize, “This is when I usually would get angry, shout, or storm out.”

Hold onto that thought for the instant it takes not to act upon it.  Do nothing.


See what presents


A deep purple flower with chrome yellow stamen, half-opened


The little willingness might come in your asking


Loosen the beliefs that don’t serve me. Maybe I’m not even conscious of these beliefs, whatever. Help me gently to see them now. Let me be made new. Let me forget the past. 


I want to be different



The little willingness might be seen in your finding ways to forgive others.


Help me to forgive this person that I’m always thinking about. Help me to see another way.


Help me to forgive


In quantum physics, once scientists had admitted the possibility of something existing, the science accommodated it, quickly conforming itself around the thought that already existed, and then they discovered.

Let me admit the possibility of seeing this situation, this person, differently.  Let me at least admit that possibility could exist.



The little willingness might be manifest in me refusing a familiar ego reward. I might think, no, I refuse to let myself feel better by bashing another.  I refuse to take pleasure in complaining.  It might come in my recognizing ego’s delight in anger and blame, and my decision to thwart it.


I am willing to change


It is all your choice