You take comfort in the fact that it is little, because you do not think you can give something big. You are afraid of being too much changed. You are still trying to protect yourself. You don’t yet realize that to give the little willingness is to give all.


Once the process has begun, it must be complete


Willingness: a spray of fruit blossom, white when opened, pale pink in bud


This little willingness, how could it appear? It could come as an agreement to do something in a new way. You might tell yourself, just because she does not call, does not mean she is angry, or tired, or never going to call again, or any other projection.  The next time she does not call, I will not project any outcome. I will tell myself, I do not know, and let all be well in its own time.


Willingness: a bright yellow flower's petals tightly curled, ready to unfurl


The little willingness might show itself in recognition of a pattern you have been held in.  You might of a sudden realize, “This is when I usually would get angry, shout, or storm out.”

Hold onto that thought for the instant it takes not to act upon it.  Do nothing.


See what presents


A deep purple flower with chrome yellow stamen, half-opened


The little willingness might come in your asking


Loosen the beliefs that don’t serve me. Maybe I’m not even conscious of these beliefs, whatever. Help me gently to see them now. Let me be made new. Let me forget the past. 


I want to be different



The little willingness might be seen in your finding ways to forgive others.


Help me to forgive this person that I’m always thinking about. Help me to see another way.


Help me to forgive


In quantum physics, once scientists had admitted the possibility of something existing, the science accommodated it, quickly conforming itself around the thought that already existed, and then they discovered.

Let me admit the possibility of seeing this situation, this person, differently.  Let me at least admit that possibility could exist.



The little willingness might be manifest in me refusing a familiar ego reward. I might think, no, I refuse to let myself feel better by bashing another.  I refuse to take pleasure in complaining.  It might come in my recognizing ego’s delight in anger and blame, and my decision to thwart it.


I am willing to change


It is all your choice




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