A donkey patiently trudging up a hill


I don’t understand anything in life. The older I get, the less I understand.

Stop trying to make sense of it, to give it a meaning. You are constantly trying to do this. Whenever you get sad, or depressed, or overwhelmed by the happenings of life,  it’s because you can’t make a meaning out of them.

Would you stare at a vat of bubbling mud and try to impart meaning to its random splats?  Of course you would not.  There is no sense in studying what is random and ephemeral.


Image by Janice De Santis

Give up trying to fix narratives on the happenings of the world. Give up pretending you know the reasons for anything. You don’t.  Reasons don’t even exist where there is no cause and effect.  One thing does not cause another thing, as you think. Rather do they co-exist, as everything co-exists. It is you who have linked them with your act of thinking.


A figure in lotus position


This is what we mean when we say you created the world you observe. Mind preceded this world, as it must precede all worlds. This world you observe is what you gave birth to, by your allowing, by your linking of ideas.

Who is it who observes the world you made? Who sees it with physical eyes, who interprets it through the physical body?

It can only be you. Your act of observing changes the world you observe. Each appearance molds itself to you, who called it forth with your desires, beliefs, words, and feeling states. This is an interactive universe, friends, and it starts with Mind.

A worried, pensive young man

You could spend your time minutely studying the little results of what your previous thinking allowed to come forth. You could wonder why someone is an alcoholic, or why no one wants to change the way you want them to, or why these people are so lazy. You could think obsessively about the happenings of the world and try to impart meaning to your partial view of them.

Or you could give up this boring, hopeless task, leave it to someone else; it never needed to be done anyway. Trying to understand a problem keeps you in the problem. Forget the little results and turn your mind to prime movers.

If I have created this world I see by my thinking, let me at once absolve it. This means forgive everything about it that I don’t like.

Forgive, as if it never happened.  Spend no more time on it.

And into this giant, newly-created vacuum, let me now choose what ideas I would like to spend time on, and create. Let me take out images of peace. Let me see all beings laying down their arms, making a huge pile of weaponry, beyond all use now, and destroying the pile, as if it never existed. And let me see them now turning unto agriculture, and nurturing the earth, and feeding the hungry.


May the earth be healed


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