
Is it possible to be in the body, and not to be ruled by it?


The ego loves to rule the body, its useful tool. The ego uses the body to keep you in a constant state of unease with fears of death, disease, of being fat, unwell, or unattractive.  These fears rule many of you. What if you were to see them as what they are, just handy little tools the ego uses to keep you distracted from your real selves?



Handy tools



There are three entities spoken of in this post

The “I” who is observing and writing

The earthly body

The ego



These three are quite separate with no overlap. Who has power in this triumvirate? It is very likely to be the ego, using the body to make mischief and upset the “I”, who will experience fears and negative emotions.


It does not have to be the ego

It does not have to be the ego


But it does not have to be the ego who is in charge and calling the shots.  Most of you have never made any conscious deal in the balance of power. But let it be conscious now. Between the ego and the observing “I”, who is to be in charge?




Well of course it is to be the observing “I”.  Why?  All the emotions of the ego are fear-based: guilt, anxiety, regret, envy and so on.  I really don’t want to spend any time with the ego; it’s like listening to someone talk endlessly about him or herself.

Whereas, when I just think about the observer, I feel calm and expansive, knowing there is some wonderful mystery here.


Above all do I choose calm and peace

Above all do I choose calm and peace


So I choose the observing “I” to be in charge of my inner dialog and internal landscape.  Above all, do I choose calm and peace.  Now this has effectively disabled the ego.  As soon as it succeeds in making me fear at all, this will be overridden by my internal landscape of unshakeable peace and calm.


The observing “I” realizes the usefulness of the body in this plane, and pledges to work together with it, in peace and harmony. Ask that the body form from the air, water, elements and thought, all that it needs to blend harmoniously into the dance of the spheres. Then give the responsibility for the body away; it was never yours.


Let us rise together in glory





lateral moves: a crab


All moves that your ego thinks of are lateral moves.  A lateral move is sideways when your goal is in front of you.  Traversing the mountain instead of climbing straight up it.  Lateral moves do nothing but waste time, or, which is the same thing, extend the need for time.


lateral moves: two mountain goats peering over a summit

Would you not rather attain the precipice?


The whole point of this tedious illusion you call time is that you use it to attain the precipice, to conquer, to be glorious and triumphant in every area of your attention, what you like to think of as your life.  To be glorious and triumphant in every area: this is your goal.  There can be no other goal than this.  Every other goal you have is a lateral move.

No matter how many lateral moves you make, you stay in place.

lateral 5

How can we avoid making lateral moves?

Let us seek to diminish activity in the physical realm.  There is really very little you must do there. Let it be taken care of for you, much more than you have been.  Do not spend too much time on details of home decoration, as this does not deserve your attention.  In fifty years everything you love today will be impossibly dated. Let it be as it will be. Allow your home to be done for you.  Gently pull your attention back.

lateral 11

Consider the lilies

Everything that used to engage you, you will have your own list, all the worries, the triggers, the stressors, pull back your attention a little. Let it be done for you for the good of all.

It is for you to form preferences.  Instead of letting the busy world rush by, confusing you with its rapid-changing images, go within.  Close your eyes to all distractions, and identify your preferences.

I am the fulfilled activity and sustaining power of every positive thing I desire

The St Germain Discourses, Vol III

lateral 8



Schooner anchored in Lautoka harbor

How do you short circuit anxiety?


There is no need to experience anxiety. How do you quickly and easily short circuit anxiety? Simply observe yourself experiencing anxiety. “Here I am, experiencing anxiety. My breathing is shallow, my mind races, crushing bands enfold me.”


From Belo Vula, to Lautoka

Simply observe


If you can observe this thing, anxiety, why would you not as easily observe any other thing you chose? If you can observe anxiety, this also means you are larger than it. It only exists to you, to the extent that you observe it.

Why pay attention to an unwanted, unlovely thing?



The ground and being


The ground and being of your experiential world is your attention.

Be careful where you place it.

Remind yourself often of what you want to increase in your experience, whether unshakable calm, peace, or love.



Let me be the servant of that love. Let all be well here. My mind does not have to wander down the byways of misery.


Whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,…think on those things

Philippians, 4:8

Observation is powerful.  As soon as I observe myself experiencing an emotion, as soon as I acknowledge to myself, “I am feeling sad”,  and then in the next moment observe myself feeling sad, sad goes from being a monster that has me by the scruff of the neck to being a yappy little dog I can easily frighten away.

May all be well here. Invoke light. May all be well here.  Withdraw attention. Your will be done.

Observation is a powerful technique for short-circuiting an ego rampage.

“I observe myself experiencing sadness” is empowering.

“I am sad” is only frightening.

Observe the emotions at work in you, trying to get the upper hand, to catch you off-guard. See yourself experiencing fear. See it, visualize it.  Then send it away. Let all be well here.



We are inescapably involved in bringing about that which appears to be happening. We are not only observers. We are participators. In some strange sense, this is a participatory universe.


John Wheeler, American physicist








This we would say to everyone: identify your preference.  This will save you time, or, which is the same thing, eliminate the need for time. Identify your preference.

If it is money, choose money.


What do you really want?



If it is safety, choose safety.

If it is peace, choose peace.

If it is love, choose love.



Whatever your choice is, identify it.  Bring it out into the open. By all means, make it conscious. Especially to you.  Do not be manipulated by unconscious fears.  Do not be a goldfish in a bowl, swimming up to the surface blindly in search of whatever food is thrown there.



Make all your choices conscious


Do not try any sleight-of-hand.  You only end by hiding your choices from yourself, when you hide them from others. There is really only one entity, and that is you, and you are creating the experiences you appear to be having. Whether you delegate an experience out to another, and observe it, or whether you take it on yourself, it is all the same: what you appear to be experiencing, you are creating.


Do not hide your choices from yourself

Do not hide your choices from yourself


May you consciously create your experiences. Do not be limited unto smallness, and always struggling against lack, decay, or discouragement. Why allow yourself to be motivated by hidden fears and you know not what?  Why give all your power away to fears? Just as easily as turning your physical body to face west, not east, so easily could you choose a new direction.


choose 8


I choose a new direction now


Today I commit all my being to turning and facing a new direction.  In this new direction I know that I am choosing all my experience, receiving constantly what I ask for.  In that knowledge let me consciously align myself with all that is good, empowering, profoundly freeing and endlessly loving.


If there be any virtue, if there be any praise

think on these things

Phillippians 4:8


Let me be the servant of Love.  Let each cell of mine be restored and replaced by light.






I can’t be involved in any more drama; it exists only in my attention. Let me stop favoring it.  Drama is the ego’s toy.  Ego and Drama, I remove my attention from you.  You become dead forms to me, at first barely remembered, so altered are you, and at last gone forever.


Choose honesty


If you could only recognize the crushing burden that comes with lack of honesty, you would resolve now to forever be open, honest and transparent.


Identify your preference



choose 10




A brown and white dove alighting, wings outspread


Teach without words



To put an idea into words limits it.  It restricts the idea to one aspect of itself.  People mistake the part that they have a name for, for the whole that they do not.  They think that what they perceive, is all there is to be perceived.

They mistake the part for the whole.


Close up of wrinkled elephant skin


 As a means of communication, words are fallible. You say one thing; they hear another. People will see in any situation what they have already decided.

That person is just plain lazy. He’s always been that way.

I always get nervous on tests. My mother was exactly the same.

Her problem is, she doesn’t know how to say what she wants.

And on and on. There is no language you can use that will cut through their fears and judgments.  They themselves will have to ask for that to happen.


A dynamic, abstract image in lime green and purple against a black background. It conveys energy.


When you assert something in conversation, you also set up a resistance against it.  That is just the nature of your reality, what can be apprehended by the five physical senses. Action creates reaction. The more difficult an idea is for people to accept, the more it will draw their ire in defensiveness and ridicule.  At the very least, it provokes conversation, and, as we know, talking is not doing.


Let your message be carried in silence and deed 



A white arum lily reaching to the glorious sun from a field of lush green leaves


What would that look like?


This would mean a total absence on your part of unsolicited advice, friendly reminders, concerned questions, or any other way you have of getting involved in their business without their asking.

 This will render you more silent.


Photograph of a face, below the eyes, with index finger to her lips: shhhh


Then let me be rendered a lot more silent.  Let me lose the power of telling any other being what I think they should be doing.

Extend this a little further.  If you would not tell them what to do in any way, you must also stop commenting on what they do. This is just a veiled form of telling them what to do.  Any form of conversation where you discuss, weigh in on, detail your reactions to, or judge the behavior of others, is just a form of trying to use word to control them.  And you would forgo that now.  If this will make you a bit more silent, embrace that silence.


But what if I want to help them? How can I do that?


Black and white photo image of particles of energy in the form of neurons


That must be in deed, which means your example.  Whatever you would have them come to, be that thing.  Enlist all the aid of your trillions of cells, to become that thing now, on a cellular level, on a thought level.  If you want them to value love more than money, be that.  If you want them to be honest with themselves, become that with relation to your Self.

Let me be radically honest with my Self, and dismiss all artifacts, games and finagling of my small self.


The sage can act without effort

and teach without words


Drawing of Lao Tsu

Lao Tzu

The Tao Te Ching




You must not be afraid. There is no reason for this. Fear is weakness and only delays progress, so eschew fear on those grounds alone. Get rid of it, refuse to entertain it one second longer, send it packing.


Remember, all bullies fold under pressure, and crack under contact with the truth. They settle  lawsuits and declare bankruptcy. They bend; they choke. Bullies like to play a dominance game with bluster, threats and promises, but when confronted by the truth, they fold. There is no need to be afraid of a bully. If you need training in how to deal with manipulative people, now is always a good time.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Franklin Roosevelt, thirty-second president of the United States



The ability to arouse fear in another is a bully’s greatest weapon. Refuse to give it. Refuse to give your fear. The only power a bully has was given him by those who were afraid, and lay down before him. He feeds upon  voluntary servitude. There is no need to give it to him.

The constitution is our ultimate arbiter on what is the correct way of proceeding for that more perfect union that the founders envisioned. Now is the time to hew to it. On this we can all agree. Let the constitution be our guide.


That government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth

Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of the United States

Gettysburg Address
