
Is it possible to be in the body, and not to be ruled by it?


The ego loves to rule the body, its useful tool. The ego uses the body to keep you in a constant state of unease with fears of death, disease, of being fat, unwell, or unattractive.  These fears rule many of you. What if you were to see them as what they are, just handy little tools the ego uses to keep you distracted from your real selves?



Handy tools



There are three entities spoken of in this post

The “I” who is observing and writing

The earthly body

The ego



These three are quite separate with no overlap. Who has power in this triumvirate? It is very likely to be the ego, using the body to make mischief and upset the “I”, who will experience fears and negative emotions.


It does not have to be the ego

It does not have to be the ego


But it does not have to be the ego who is in charge and calling the shots.  Most of you have never made any conscious deal in the balance of power. But let it be conscious now. Between the ego and the observing “I”, who is to be in charge?




Well of course it is to be the observing “I”.  Why?  All the emotions of the ego are fear-based: guilt, anxiety, regret, envy and so on.  I really don’t want to spend any time with the ego; it’s like listening to someone talk endlessly about him or herself.

Whereas, when I just think about the observer, I feel calm and expansive, knowing there is some wonderful mystery here.


Above all do I choose calm and peace

Above all do I choose calm and peace


So I choose the observing “I” to be in charge of my inner dialog and internal landscape.  Above all, do I choose calm and peace.  Now this has effectively disabled the ego.  As soon as it succeeds in making me fear at all, this will be overridden by my internal landscape of unshakeable peace and calm.


The observing “I” realizes the usefulness of the body in this plane, and pledges to work together with it, in peace and harmony. Ask that the body form from the air, water, elements and thought, all that it needs to blend harmoniously into the dance of the spheres. Then give the responsibility for the body away; it was never yours.


Let us rise together in glory




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