You must not be afraid. There is no reason for this. Fear is weakness and only delays progress, so eschew fear on those grounds alone. Get rid of it, refuse to entertain it one second longer, send it packing.


Remember, all bullies fold under pressure, and crack under contact with the truth. They settleĀ  lawsuits and declare bankruptcy. They bend; they choke. Bullies like to play a dominance game with bluster, threats and promises, but when confronted by the truth, they fold. There is no need to be afraid of a bully. If you need training in how to deal with manipulative people, now is always a good time.

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

Franklin Roosevelt, thirty-second president of the United States



The ability to arouse fear in another is a bully’s greatest weapon. Refuse to give it. Refuse to give your fear. The only power a bully has was given him by those who were afraid, and lay down before him. He feeds uponĀ  voluntary servitude. There is no need to give it to him.

The constitution is our ultimate arbiter on what is the correct way of proceeding for that more perfect union that the founders envisioned. Now is the time to hew to it. On this we can all agree. Let the constitution be our guide.


That government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth

Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of the United States

Gettysburg Address


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