The more you understand water, the more difficult you will find it to deny the existence of a god

Masaru Emoto

surrender; ice crystals formed on a branch


Ice crystals have no way to prevent their metamorphosis into water, just as water has no way to resist its evaporation into salt and minerals.



These processes cannot withstand the power of the sun, nor would they want to.  Ice crystals and water have no will of their own. What end would that serve but to stand in the way of a perfect process?  Who would do this?



As without, so within


In the natural world you see around you, there is no resisting the power of the sun, the giver of life. Every obstruction melts before it like ice yielding into water, which washes away to sink gratefully into earth, or evaporate into minerals and salt, be drunk by animals, used by creatures, or stored in clouds to reappear as rain.



At no point does any part of creation cry out with fear at what is coming next, or self doubt as to whether it is up to the task assigned to it. Creation is enabled in the perfection of surrender.



Surrender is knowing that only love is in charge, no one else. Surrender is knowing there can be no bad outcomes, only resplendent ones that your mind cannot yet picture. Surrender is having no will of one’s own.



An ice crystal never worries that it cannot find its rightful place in a snowflake.


Can you imagine the misshapen lump that would result if each ice crystal in a snowflake were free to decide what it would become?  Could the molecules of water ever imagine the wonders of the living water they would form?  Of course not. Ice crystals, water molecules, and indeed all of nature long for the sun of organizing intelligence.

You, as a part of creation, are no different. You long for the sun of your organizing intelligence.


Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig.

Marcus Aurelius







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