The mind likes to dwell on frightening outcomes.  That is its default position.  It doesn’t matter what the frightening outcomes are.  If one becomes obsolete, or, as you think, solved, the mind can choose from among fifty others.  There is never any shortage of frightening outcomes.


Statue of a cherub, chin in hand, looking skyward, as if disgusted or resigned.


But what becomes of any of them? What were you so worried about five years ago? Did you cause anything good to happen with your worry? Was all the stress and anxiety worth it? Do you think it was a good strategy?  If you could talk to the person you were then, what would you tell her?


Photo of a 10 year old girl, eyes closed, thumbs joined to forefingers on both hands, meditating.


Relax and let go.  Find activities that induce relaxation: running, yoga, swimming, walking, meditation, reading a book.

Be wholly grateful for any instant of peace.


What were you so worried about ten years ago?


Image by Jack Hamilton on Unsplash


That they would discover my lack of worth. There was little joy in being that unhappy, insignificant, self-loathing person. 


What would you tell that person?


Desire change, wish for change, ask for change, be alive and mad for change.  I am willing to be changed. I allow it. I allow change.




By letting that concept occupy your mind for at least seventeen seconds, letting a new neural connection form. Do that now.


Photo by Bankim Desai on Unsplash


What were you so worried about twenty years ago?


I was completely taken up with status and wanting. I admired fancy houses and cars. I wanted everything to look good, but I didn’t know what good was. I had so little contact with good, and thought of it so infrequently, that I couldn’t recognize it.

But now I can: by giving thanks. There is so much to give thanks for. Start now by giving thanks for two minutes.  Set a timer.



This interesting game does good on many levels, many of which you cannot see. But you will feel the good in doing it.  You can shorten the time frame of your question.  What were you so worried about last month? What troubles did the mind harp on last week?  What was the flavor du jour yesterday? What would you tell the person you were then?


 Drawing of Lao Tsu, author of the Tao Te Ching

You are but a guest in this world

Lao Tzu, the Tao Te Ching




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