Start where you are now.  And where is that? Your living standards have been changed by globalization.  This was inevitable. As Information technology increased along with the pressure of population, borders became lower and less important. The flow of humanity was like water and rushed to find its level. All of this was inevitable, no matter who the government was.


Water color image of the earth from space, with a halo of light blue on a field of purples.


That the United States enjoyed such a high standard of living, relative to the rest of the world, for so long, was an artificial situation that could not continue. If all the world lived like Americans, it would take four earths.




You have seen the cost of education increase dramatically, even though it guarantees nothing but crushing debt.  Jobs, retirements, and houses, have gone up in smoke. No one seemed to pay the price for this, and the rich kept getting richer.

Globalization is no one’s fault, and it cannot be turned back by brute force or promises. It is where you are now. You are globalized. This is a good place to be. Your good is my good.

Mi casa es su casa

But you must start strategizing together. This you can do.

Start where you are now

You are endlessly embroiled in conflicts that seem unsolvable. Your environment is threatened by extreme weather, every day another grim marker passed.  Believe in climate change or not, all fear it.  And, as if to mirror this unease on the societal level, the press of fleeing humanity is felt all over the world, countries are breaking up, islands disappearing under the rising ocean, there is rapid changing of societal norms, and what feel like unprecedented challenges.

You feel under siege. There is deep unease and urgency.  This is where you are now.

In the next post I will tell what can be done about it.

start 3






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