Arguing with someone is conceding that their point of view has merit. It has enough merit that you would spend energy on refuting it. It has enough merit that you, who could be focusing on anything, give it any time at all. It has enough merit that you think you must try to combat it. You are giving it merit with your attention.
If you really believed it had no merit at all, you would not notice it.
You would dismiss it once and for all, as you would any other outdated idea that had been shown not to work. You would not give it any of your focus. You would deliberately turn your focus to what you did want to see more of, whether rationality, peace, security, it is all your choice.
If you really believed an argument, or point of view, had no merit at all, you certainly would not engage with it, or try to use rationality to combat it.
To the irrational, the rationality of others is a useful tool that can be used against them. It is a stalling tactic. Do you want to be stalled?
What is to be done when we are confronted by evil? with danger? with fear?
This is the question. Firstly, do not be delayed by arguing about what is right and wrong. There can be no question about this.
Focus upon deeds more than words.
By their fruits you shall know them
Matthew 7:16
Their deeds will tell you everything about who they are. And, once you have ascertained who they are, act accordingly, in compliance with all your laws, which were set up to protect you.
Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s
Matthew 22:21