Attachment to outcomes; a marionette worked by a hand

Only a powerless entity


Your attachment to outcomes is an excellent opportunity for ego to project fear and blame onto you. What is attachment to outcomes but a thinly veiled form of fear? Why do you care so much about the way a certain situation comes out?  What is an outcome but a  miniscule moment in eternity, soon to be superseded by other outcomes, and still others? Why are you so intent on seeing a particular one?

Only a powerless entity would be frightened of an outcome.



Is there a burr beneath your saddle?

Right now, think of a situation that has been bothering you, that you would say you wanted a solution to.  What is there now that is a burr under your saddle?


Now bring this situation to full consciousness.  Usually it is at the sides of your consciousness, nudging you along in the way your ego wants you to be: anxious, worried, and completely open to all forms of manipulation.  Put this uncomfortable situation in the forefront of your mind and let it have its full sway over you.  Experience the range of emotion that this situation calls forth in you. Experience the sway attachment to outcomes has over you.


It calls forth anger, hatred and blame.  But underneath that is the fear.  Fear is what feeds all these other devils.  Fear is the fuel.

Fear is the fuel


Now confront that fear.  Give it a name.  Fear of being alone, fear of pain to a loved one, fear of losing someone, fear of being naked, isolated, or despised.  Thank you for being here.  Thank you for showing yourself.  I have looked at you thoroughly, and I also know you by your fruits: anger, blame and hatred.  Get you gone now.  You have nothing good to offer me. Go away empty-handed, fear.

Leave my house now, fear



And remember as you send this fear away, that the outcome you are afraid of  represents only a miniscule, meaningless fraction of all the possibilities in inifinity.  Everything you can imagine does exist.  Do you think you could imagine more than God?


There is an infinity of outcomes: choose

So instead of using your consciousness in the service of fear, which has nothing good to bring you, would you not rather spend it in the service of imagining beautiful outcomes, outcomes that inspire awe and wonder and love.  Realize there is an infinity of what you call outcomes, and you can choose whichever you want.



Picture yourself in front of a massive shelf of books, and you take out a book called “Harmonious Family”, and think to yourself, I am going to read this book.  And imagine what sorts of images and feelings were in it.  You could stay and peruse that book as long as you wanted, bathing yourself in warm, visual images of how “harmonious family” could present to you.

Love the guiding principle




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