Bag of dollars representing the temptations of this world, what must be made nothing


What must be made nothing?


No less than the world and everything in it. Everything you have been to taught to desire, such as wealth, objects, power. Make them all nothing. Your personality and all the situations that support it – make them nothing as well.  All these situations were created, sought out, chosen by you, to let your personality be real.  You seek out situations to prove you have certain qualities, good or bad as the case may be; it is not for me to say.  Thus do you use the world around you to create who you think you are.


A brown and white owl perfectly camouflaged and hiding in a brown and white tree trunk


But this is all wasted effort.  You are not a personality; you are eternal. Your body is no more than a vehicle, or a garment you put on for a time. Your personality is an invention, a chimera. You do not need to create situations to validate yourself. There is nothing for you to create; you have already been created. Perfectly. Forever. No more to do.


Perfectly formed apple blossom; nothing needed


All approbation that soothes the ego, all praise, rewards, admiration, money and power, make them unimportant to you.  All condemnation, drama and discord, which the ego loves just as much, let these all go as well. You but inhabit your personality as a vehicle, using it to create certain experiences.  You decided on these experiences in advance. Knowing this, now offer up your experiences to the power that can bring them to fruition with good to all.




  Everything you now prize, everything you now desire, everything that frightens you, everything you think you are and everything you try to be, all memories of the past, all ideas of the future, make them all as nothing to you now. Only in this way can you be perfectly recreated, made new.

Everything must go; hold nothing back.


No one pours new wine into old wineskins.

Luke 5:37


Vineyard in evening sun, nothing more needed

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