Silhouette of a camel in the desert, with background of night sky with stars


What must be total?  Everything that you want to exist. Can commitment that is not wholehearted be said to exist? Can love that is not unconditional, be said to be love at all? Is anything less than perfect faith any kind of faith at all?


Only what is total exists


Black ink drawing of a magician performing a trick


What exists at one time, and not at another time, cannot be said to exist at all.  Its seeming existence is only a trick played by time, a temporary distraction. What truly exists is independent of, outside of time.


An arum lily reaching to the sun from a field of lush green leaves


Anything less than complete truth is not truth at all.  If not all your words can be believed,  then none can.  Truth cannot be diced up. You will recognize it by its totality and lack of any opposite.


Happy, smiling child


What is total and exists independently of time is also perfectly quiet.  The truth does not need to announce itself; why should it?  It is always there.  What constantly announces itself does not really exist.  Without your attention, it is nothing.


Take refuge in quiet


A newborn baby in a striped blanket and hate, looking skyward rapturously


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