You must give up control of what you think of as your life. You have been trained to plan, organize, arrange, and be proactive. But if you truly want to be saved from endless anxiety, you must learn to put all planning by.  Control is not for you.


Snowflake in closeup


Another name for this state of mind is acceptance. There is a divine plan for you, just as there is a divine plan for ice crystals in a snowflake. Perhaps you now realize how futile it would be for an ice crystal to wonder what its purpose is in life, or make a list of priorities, or worry about wasting time or being fat. An ice crystal stands out of its own way. Adopt the acceptance of an ice crystal.


Snowflake/ice crystal in closeup.


A state of acceptance is a state of non-resistance. It occurs when you stop offering resistance to what you are observing, when you have given up all anxiety because you don’t have enough money, you’re disorganized, your mother is cold, someone else drinks, does drugs, is lazy, late, or whatever else you have decided to notice. Out of the infinity that is reality, you decide what to pay attention to.  A state of non-resistance occurs when you decide to stop paying negative attention. If you give thanks for the exact same situations that cause you anxiety now, the energy around them will be transformed absolutely.


Ice crystal in closeup against background of the night sky


This is also a state of grace. It will feel very different in kind from your everyday reality, as though time had stopped. Where you are is all your reality.  Time has no hold on you. Some call this the eternal present.


Ice crystal in closeup


It is also what is meant by faith.  Faith and anxiety cannot coexist.  They cannot both be true.  So, once you truly have decided to put by all anxiety and planning, faith must step in.  When the storm has passed, there the sun is, where it always was.


Faith is complete lack of worries




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