My randomly chosen lesson and workbook section both seek to teach the same thing.  Let me put it into my own words.  It is important I wish peace and joy to whichever one of my brothers may be causing me grief, pain or worry.


Remember, your brother is not causing you anything you aren’t choosing.  You cannot put your unease off onto other people, whatever discomfiture you are feeling.  Whatever burr is under your saddle, it is you who chose it to be there.


How did I choose it to be there? 


You gave it the jewel of your attention.


Choosing: monarch butterfly on pink zinnia


Where attention goes, experience follows. It is you and only you who chooses where your attention goes. You may say:

“Oh no, I have to worry about them because…”, or

“How can I relax when…”, or

“When he/she or this/that changes, then…”


But all you are doing with this is delegating your responsibility outwards to doubtful underlings. If you are not sure of your purpose, how can you expect your underlings, who are only your projections, to be any better?

Of course they cannot. It is you creating them. They are your mirror neurons. They are what you are projecting through the lens of your judgments.

Become as a newborn baby. Pretend you just landed here yesterday from outer space. You don’t know anything. But you are willing to learn.




Shed the past, like so many old diary pages you tear up and throw away. Have you ever read an old journal or diary from years before? Do you want to be that person now? Or do you want to be one of those who knew enough to change?  Who learned to bring all of their choices into consciousness, and to make them so mindfully it seemed the self became invisible, subsumed into the Self.


It is in choosing we are chosen






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