Angel statue


Teacher, you must agree to change. The more you agree to change beforehand, the more you are enabling yourself to teach.


Who would not want this?


You must agree to change because your own ideas are not worth going to bat for. If you would be a teacher, by all means be a teacher of the truth; why be anything less?  You can embody this message of possibility and change, in any walk of life. This is the only lesson you would teach now. Goodness, possibility, change. The way you teach is by example. It does not require your words, what you might deem to be a powerful, persuasive, or emotional speech.


Intent is everything



Intent is the power of a thousand suns harnessed to your chariot, carrying you far above all travails you ever thought you knew. Intent is the calm knowing that comes from within, chasing away your stress symptoms like heavenly balm, replacing them, making them nothing.



If you are to be a teacher, be a teacher of God. Be willing to be changed. This increases your effectiveness. Things will seem to happen by and of themselves, fabricated out of the nothingness, the primordial soup of infinite possibilities, summoned by your imagination, your focus, your attention.


Releasing hands


Let go your preconceived ideas; they were based on insufficient knowledge. You obviously know more now than you did then. No judgment born out of anything less than complete and perfect knowledge can be valid.

Your past judgment is now found invalid. Declare it to be so, summon it and dismiss it, no more useful now than a rusty padlock or a blown out tire.

If your past judgments are declared null and void because you didn’t have all the facts, then wouldn’t your present judgments  appear laughably uninformed and naïve to a future you?



Laughing boy



Be innocent of judgment


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