Neville Goddard

“If you see this from above, everything here is like, well, something that is dead. You can’t change it from above, strangely enough. I have tried to, change it from above. Look at the body, it’s on the bed, and it looks like something like a carcass, that’s dead. Well you know exactly the wisdom is from above, if you could only do with it now, while you’re there, with the clarity of vision. But you can’t do it. You’ve got to come down, and occupy it. And then you forget. This is the world of the dead.”


When Neville starts speaking directly from Spirit, without his prepared speech getting in the way, his words become poetic; they have meter and rhyme.

“Look at the body. It’s on the bed

and it looks like something like a carcass, that’s dead”



How we recoil from that image of death!

The body on the bed seems like the ultimate defeat to us. You can’t escape it. Dusty death is the lord of all.

This drives paroxysms of revulsion, depression, and fear within us.



Of course. This makes perfect sense. As long as you believe you are a body, you will experience revulsion, depression, and fear at the idea of death.

In fact, here is the test of how much you identify with the body, your fear of pain and death. The more fear you have, the more you identify with the body, and its owner and animator, the ego.  When you fear bad outcomes for the body, it is because you believe that you are a body.


I am not a body. I am free. I hear the Voice God has given me, and it is only this my mind obeys

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 199

Workbook for Students


What if


I could imagine that I am disembodied, a consciousness who is observing, from above, this dead world below, this dead body laid out on a table. Now of course I can observe a certain toxicity which led to failures, shutdowns, miscommunications, shoddiness and poverty of spirit. Just sin, and sin means only “missing the mark”. I can observe plenty of missing the mark.

I look down at the body which was my life, and of course see all the blindness, all the mistakes that caused me pain, as just an unnecessary, crying waste of time. Unnecessary misery. And, from above, I vow and declare to hew to the clarity I now have, to have no other will than His,  and no other desire than to do good.



Let me have no other desire

than to do good



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