Palm tree looking to Lautoka



My constant need is to be calm.

Who is this you?  Who do you speak for?

You are the depth beneath the wave. You are the universe that exists within each one of your trillions of cells. You are the spaces between each one of those cells. You are beyond thought. You are eternal. Within you exists no word for calm, because that implies the possibility of not-calm.  Everything that you think of as calm already exists within you. You are eternal silence, insulated against all shocks.

We are eternal

You already have all the help you could ask for. Since everything that is perfect already exists, you need no help or change in order to create it.  The whole idea that there could be a separate you, and that it could be wrong somehow, is what is wrong. You are part of the answer, although you don’t always recognize this.

Part of the answer


The Holy Spirit is nearby and willing, waiting to take on anything you now perceive as a problem.  The Holy Spirit is the idea of help, the idea of change. But you have to ask.


How may this be done?


Become still.  Let your ask fill the forefront  of your mind. Let it expand until it becomes you, and you become it.  Be fully present and awake. With full awareness, ask.


What are you asking for?  You are asking that love take over as the guiding principle of your life. You are asking for freedom from all sources of disease and distress.


This is my single need.  No less than this. No less than perfect calm all the time.


Indeed, I have only one need, freedom from all sources of disease and distress.  That is my single need.  All else that I perceive assaults me, are only branches of the same tree. Let me see this now. Indeed, I have only one need. I feel it as a need for peace. With peace, nothing more can be wanted.  All wants, desires, fears, all burrs under the saddle disappear.



Peace is the condition of nothing to strive for. Not even a condition, just the reality, the depth beneath the wave. You can access it now, anytime, forever.


How is this to be done?


Give thanks that your every need is met.









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