The right tools: beaters sitting in a bowl of cake batter



You want to bake a cake.  There is no electric mixer. No problem. You’ll do it by hand. People used to do it that way; it will just take longer and be a bit more work.

There is no eggbeater either, so it takes extra long to get the eggs incorporated. The recipe calls for one cup of white sugar, but all you have is a bit of brown and some powdered sugar.  You use it anyway, hoping it won’t affect the cake’s texture adversely.

When it is time to put it into the oven, you have no cake pans, so improvise with a casserole dish. There is no non-stick spray, so you use a bit of oil, although it never works as well.

One who is serious about a job has the right tools



How much more pleasant it is to cook in a well-stocked kitchen!  How much more easily everything goes with the right tools!  Everything is done properly, expeditiously, right the first time.  There is no hit and miss.

With the right tools the job is done once, perfectly

The right tools: a tool box, closed


Open the tool box




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