It is always better to pay less attention rather than more to bodily concerns: your hair, clothes, physique, shelter, food, income, beauty, youth, stamina, heart rate, appearance, and on and on. You do not need to judge your body against other bodies; you do not need to overindulge it with luxuries it does not need; you do not need to spend time trying to gratify it.
You can pay attention to your body, provide all its basic needs, keep it healthy and functioning well, be active with it and enjoy it. But do not let your sense of self reside there. Do not identify with the body. Do not let your life’s work be its needs and wants.
You are not your body
You do not need to serve your body. Shed your bodily concerns like so much unwanted old clutter. They are taking up too much space in your mind anyway, crowding every other thing out. Think how much space will be cleared when you let go of this self-identification with the body. It will be the transformation of a dank, dusty old closet to a bright, hopeful, sunny space.
Who would not want this?
You stand in your own way when you are slave to your bodily concerns. There is an inner beauty that transcends bodily beauty, as all baser metals give way to gold. Seek that beauty that is within. Enable it. Be its slave.
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow
They toil not, neither do they spin
Luke, 12:27
Neither make yourself a slave of your shelter, always improving, or decorating, or berating, or lamenting the lack of one more thing. Give thanks for the shelter you have. May all beings be as well provided.
A lot of your evils: avarice, greed, desire for power, unbridled appetites, are the result of excessive zeal in procuring for yourselves. What if enough of you, as a species, were to renounce all self-procurement, let it go, know that there is enough food on the earth for everyone, that all the world is provided for?
Loose your hold
In your calm at knowing that all needs would always be beautifully answered, you would relax and loose your hold on the source of all supply. When you let go of your several strangleholds on this flow of energy, once it had shrugged you off like a snake easily slithering away, it would be free to increase the energy flow many-fold, and shower blessings upon your collective Self.
May all your processes be gentle