Black and white image of seagulls flying through rain, with setting sun in the background: reality


What is reality?  Is it this day to day world that you live in, that you call life?  Waking up to vague anxieties, raging fears, or black sadness, limping through the day with this heavy crow of misery on your shoulder?  Look at the faces you pass in the street; are they happy faces? They are pinched in despair.  Is this reality?  Do you want it?


A grandmother and her three young granddaughters, carrying bunches of bananas on their backs. The colors are grey and muted; the faces are hesitant, open yet unsmiling.

Photo credit: Zeyn Afuang


Many of you go to work you did not choose, working long hours with no choice of your own as to how you spend your days. Is this life?  Is this why you were born here?  Fear, despair, pain and suffering;  they seem to be universal. Is this what you want?


Photo credit: bantersnaps


Is reality only what can be apprehended by the five physical senses?  Is reality only what you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch?  Why do you give so much validity to the physical body, as though it should always know more validly than the other part of you?  The other part of yourselves is everything you feel to exist, but which is not physical.  That would be your minds, your psyches, and your souls.


Why have you set the body’s little knowledge higher than the knowledge that the soul has?  This is truly backwards.  It must be the work of the ego.  The body says, “Trust me that only the evidence of your senses is real.”  Who is the body speaking for but itself?


Photo credit: Richard Jaimes


But the body always follows the mind, friends. The mind is stronger than the body.  Therefore, we should define reality as what can be perceived by the soul alone.  That would be love, hope, compassion, peace and joy. This is a reality worth choosing.


Reality chosen by the soul


Big Manly pohutukawa

Photo credit: Gus Howie

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