Every atrocity has something in it to advance anyone’s agenda, and we can expect to see this play out in the spate of editorializing and discussion that proliferates and makes it difficult for you to access your inward selves.

Let us pause a minute before the onslaught, which has the hooks to increase many kinds of hatred and fear. Let us slow down for as long as one breath.  Breathe in to a slow count of four, hold for a slow count of five, and exhale for nine.

Let us pause a minute

Let us pause a minute

When any strong emotion or desire to blame is felt, do this before you indulge it.  The more times you do this, the more you will be making yourself accessible to your inward Self, who longs to tell you how to think about this, and how to feel about it.

It is amazing how many thoughts are pounding at the doors of your mind, even in as short a span of time as one breath. Do it again, this time visualizing yourself as part of a channel, sides opened wide, accepting, receiving what is waiting to flow through you. Life. Goodness. Health. Peace.


Goodness, health, peace

What comes through this channel will eliminate your shauris  forever, as a strong rain pushing all debris before it. Relocating it. Annihilating it.

Would you not want this?


Now is not the time

Now is the time


When you feel moved to blame some other group for any trouble, recognize what you are doing in that instant. I am feeling blame. I am blaming.  Make your blame conscious to you. Blame, there you are again. Let me regard you.



Who do you blame? and why? Make these known to you. Let not one iota of the mental machinery you bring to bear in the creation of your world be unknown to you. May you attain to full consciousness in this. What a blessing.

When you have examined the blame you are now harboring, send it away like the mangy scavenger energy it is. Tell it to get gone now and never come back.


First stop blaming


We must begin with this, and the rest will follow in exact proportion to our assiduity in practicing. We must begin with this.


As long as one breath


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