Giving thanks and not worrying are two sides of the same coin. These are two branches of the same tree. You give thanks because you do not need to worry, and you do not need to worry because you give thanks.
The mind looks for causality. Which one came first? Which state caused the other? Neither. There is no time. It is an illusion the mind clings to. These two ideas are joined, just one part of a larger Idea.
In general, you are thankful for far too little. This doesn’t make you a bad person, just one who is missing an opportunity. If you want more, consciously give thanks.
Gratitude increases flow
You might like your sofa because it is comfortable, useful, and you have spent many peaceful, productive hours on it. You think of all the people who have slept on it. You are happy that you were able to offer them comfort and hospitality. By paying attention to how happy this makes you feel, you create a positive feeling space around the whole idea of your home and shelter, your heart’s charity’s hearth’s fire. This encourages more of the same kind of good to come.
Do you eat something that you like? Do you feel your body welcoming this food? Give thanks. Thank all those who participated in providing this meal, who grew the food, who prepared and served it. Giving thanks for what our bodies consume completely changes the energy of the food, and its power to do good to you. May all beings be as well provided for.
Is it easier to reward one who is always praising and giving thanks for what she has, or one who finds fault in everything and is unhappy?
Look for the situation that has natural flow. Giving thanks creates, widens and deepens a channel for all good to flow, to you and to all.
Giving thanks enables good