A string of pearls


The pearls in a necklace are all connected, all touching.  They share a common fate.  To touch one is to touch all.


A train or many carriages rounding a curve


The carriages of a train are all connected, all touching.  When one carriage  moves, they all must move. They are part of one whole. It would be silly for one carriage to think it could split off from the train and have an independent life.


Three Iceland poppies facing the same direction, frm the same plant, on the point of bloom


And so it is with you and your brothers, whether you realize it or not. To touch one is to touch all.  You share a common fate. It would be silly for one brother to think he could split off from the rest and have an independent life.


Horses drinking water with background of Monument Valley


Thus does all giving become giving back. You cannot give to one of your brothers without receiving the blessing yourself, no more than you can touch a pearl without affecting the others on the string. You are all connected.


All giving is giving back


Two mountain goats in close up, in a very loving, meditative pose


In the estimation of the world, to give something is to lose it.  When you give it away, you have it no more.  But when you give with love to another, you cannot lose by the giving. Giving creates motion.  Both you and the recipient are part of the same circle, interconnected with others. Giving creates flow in the circle.  This forward movement uplifts all, is magnified, increases, and comes back to you.  It is not possible to give without receiving, since we are all connected.


A drop of water makes endless concentric circles of ripples


If you want to receive peace, give as much peace as possible. You are giving it to yourself.  To create peace, you have to be peace.  Exude it.  Channel it.  Become it.  Gandhi was right.  “Be the change you want to see in the world.”  This is the only way.  You cannot expect the world to provide what you cannot find within.


What you give, you exactly receive


giving back




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