A bright light beckons on a path, beyond some sheltering trees: faith


Faith is belief in things unseen. Do not rely on the body’s eyes to see. They seek out only what the mind has sent them to find.

If you believed in only what you could see with the body’s eyes, nothing would ever change.  You would be telling yourselves that only what the physical eyes can render is real, that only what you see before you, on this plane of experience, is real. This is just a way of continuing the status quo.  It is a way of keeping you eternally at square one.

Who would want this?


A snail, sitting on a strawberry, stretches out its feelers blindly, trying to know which way to go : faith


Smash it today, this idea that reality consists of only what you see before you. It is too limiting for you.  You are a creator. You belong to the species that made “War and Peace”, the Panama canal,  “The Marriage of Figaro”, non-violence, meditation, and all healings that ever took place.

At one time none of these wonderful manifestations existed to the body’s eyes or ears. It took someone not using the physical eyes to see and hear them first, and, becoming quiet, to tune into them, becoming their essence by simply thinking about them, creating with thought.  Then they became sound, word and deed, visible to the body’s eyes and audible to its ears.


A peaceful river flowing quietly round large boulders, and in between trees: faith


This is how creation is done, friends. Repair into yourself, close out the distractions of this world, quiet yourself, and be at ease.  Summon to your mind images of what you want to create. How will the finished creation look?  Spend time there.

The mind of the world can render only the sight of the present world.


Faith is belief in things unseen


Treat yourself to vision.  Describe what you want to see, lovingly and carefully. Be at home here.  What are the feelings that will surround your finished creation?  Ah, here is a lovely place to be.  Be consumed with love.  How will you feel when you look upon your finished creation?  Let yourself be transformed in thinking of it.

You can live in whatever world you want. When you call on higher help, a way is made.


Faith uses inner vision


faith 2

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