A drawing of a two-dimensional creature, a blob with eyes and a mouth


Imagine a two-dimensional creature. Every other creature in its world is of the same measure.  Circles, blobs or splotches, they move sideways, or back and forth, but never up and down.

There are no words for “up” or “down”, since these concepts don’t exist.  The creature encounters all the same problems as its neighbors. They are constantly getting in each other’s way. Because of their limited vision, they think there is never enough space. They can’t see what’s coming. They can perceive only what is around them, what they can touch and smell, what is obvious.


A chessboard with three pieces, the white queen down, a black bishop and pawn still standing


They compete for space on their checkerboard, unaware of the space that extends infinitely all around them. Life has handed them existential difficulties, problems they lack the power to solve. Their mindset becomes chronically depressed. They obsess over trifles.

They despair.


Sad, despairing wooden puppets, arms hanging uselessly


Now imagine a three dimensional creature observing them.  At first he is amused to see these creatures fussing and fretting about problems whose solution is so laughably obvious. The addition of a third dimension would solve everything they see as a problem. These creatures are comical. It is like watching moths throwing themselves fitfully, desperately at a flame.



After a while, the three dimensional creature grows bored watching such needless futility and turns away.


A very young baby looking up with an expression of wonder


Now imagine one of the two-dimensional creatures becoming aware that there is space all around him.  He looks up and sees the vault of heaven. How this dwarfs all the foolish machinations he had been involved in before! There is no end of space; why was he concentrating on his neighbors?


He feels inspired, lifted up, made new.  He is a new creature. Awareness of his new dimension begets the ability to live and move in it.  He pushes off, slowly at first, as a jellyfish impelling, then gathering speed and joy.


Increase my dimension



A jellyfish in deep dark ocean, its center well lit, circular and symmetrical with dark stripes, and flowing out behind, filaments of legs.

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