That which I wish to be, I already am.
That which I wish to be, I already am.
That which I wish to be, I already am.
Follow this with an I AM statement. Of course you will have several, thought out in advance by you, preferably written down. This is a list to be constantly amended as you grow. In the same way does a child constantly amend its clothes, as it grows.
That which I wish to be, I already am. That which I wish to be, I already am. That which I wish to be, I already am.
I am the perfection of my organism.
Then feel it through your entire being.
State your claim
Claim what is rightfully yours. The only way to actualize what you want is to claim it.
If you do not claim what you want, how can it come to you?
How does anyone claim what they want?
You know it is by your feelings. The feeling you would have if it were done, this thing you want.
First cease to want
Refuse to exist in an energy of wanting. To do so is only to practice the feeling of being without.
Only those who are without, want for a thing. This wanting feeling is the enemy of your achievement and happiness, and must be rooted out assiduously wherever it is met with.
How is this to be done?
The next time you catch yourself in the energy of wanting, go immediately to your I AMs.
I am the perfection of my organism.
I am the fulfillment of family harmony.
I am the resurrection and the life of whatever positive thing I desire.
That which I wish to be
I already am
There is power in words. They crystallize thought. Say them aloud, or write them. By repetition, you set them in motion in your brain, and feel their import in your larger being.
I am the perfection of my organism.
Then meditate even a few seconds upon that. Doing so, you completely change the energy around you.
The more times you bring your wants into consciousness and then dismiss them, the more you charge your spiritual power. The more peace, the more comfort do you have.
It is in your own hands