A pure thought appears at first as naked as a Christmas tree, waiting for ornaments.  A thought can be consciously chosen by you, or unconsciously picked up.



Once it is in your mind, it starts collecting to itself experiences, perceptions, assumptions and other thoughts. It wants to be well-clothed, this thought. It wants to be so well-clothed that you will fail to see it as a random thought.  It wants to become part of the wallpaper, as invisible as a belief.



Once you accept a thought, evidence of it pops up everywhere. It is omnipresent because you believe it; you believe it because it is omnipresent.  It must be right because it is everywhere; it is everywhere because it is right. Thus does it confirm itself.



How do you want your thoughts to come to you?


Do you want your thoughts to come by chance, picked up from family, others, popular culture, media? As random thoughts that surely were never created or consciously chosen by you?


A chameleon staring into the camera


“I suffer from anxiety.” “My parents messed me up.” “Revenge is right.” “Some people are less worthy than others.” “Compromise is weakness.” “It’s their fault.”

What if


Would you rather have pleasing, lovely thoughts from your real Self?

“I always know what to say.” “I am ready to change for the better.” “Everything arrives on schedule.” “Let me have no other desire than to do good.” “This can change at any time.” “Increase my peace.”



May you always choose your thoughts


choose thoughts


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