Monthly Archives: January 2019




You can picture the attributes you choose as tiles in a mosaic, as large, small, resplendent, glowing and beautiful as you desire.





You are free to make your own mosaic.  Indeed, without your own freely chosen mosaic, all of your efforts to date must be haphazardly random. Sometimes you get it right and feel good about life, but more often you miss the mark.

To “miss the mark” is the original idea of sin. The result of missing the mark is feeling wrong, vaguely unhappy, anxious and off kilter.

You will know this feeling well.


Can you imagine




Can you imagine the life you could have, were you to turn every part of you in the same direction? You wouldn’t be pulled this way and that, riven by a false sense of duty to some old idol you accepted in the past: family harmony, not rocking the boat, being useful, whatever it may have been.


You will have your own worn out idols.


Were every part of you to turn in the same direction, you would stop having conflicting goals, each one pulling against another,  preventing you from doing anything.


What if



What if you instead took time and consciousness to make your own mosaic. Begin with one tile. What attribute would you most like to have in your life right now? You will know what this is. We proceed by contrast. The drowning man has no problem identifying air as his number one need. The thirsty desire nothing else but water.



What is your heart’s desire?


What is your greatest need right now?  What do you want above all?  Indulge yourself.  What do you wish for and lament the absence of?  What is your heart’s desire and ease?



Select that as the first tile of your mosaic. Lay it upon the altar of your heart. Worship it, call it by name, thank it for being there. Realize that , because you have consciously invited it in, there it must always stay, gently increasing, drawing more of itself to you by law of attraction.



Make your wish


Thank You, Intimacy, for being in my heart. Now I will never again think, nor be thought of, apart from you, the merging of two into one. From now on, we go by one name. 

Thank You, Joy, for being in my heart. Now I have a place to always be acquainted with you, Joy. Increase your presence within me. 

Thank You, Intuition, for dwelling within me. I would have been lost so many times without You. Thank You for all you have done to guide me. Teach me gently what it is to always listen to You first. Let me remember:


I am not a body, I am free. I have the Voice which God has given me, and this is all my mind obeys

Lesson 199, Workbook

A Course in Miracles


I hear the Voice


You are welcome to make your mosaic as large as you like. Visit it often. You will quickly notice how much more one-pointed, deft, sure and effective you have become.







Railroad tracks stretching into the horizon.


When I want to practice a piece of music, I play it slowly, with deliberate attention paid to each note, that it be right.

I play the music the way I would always prefer to play it thereafter, with every note in place.

I call this process laying tracks.


A hand on a piano keyboard, painstakingly choosing notes


I am laying tracks for the railroad of all that I want to express and channel with this music, and I want to lay the tracks exactly right and perfectly, so that I will never have to pay attention to these tracks again.


A cherub sleeping on a music stave


There are two different processes here. There is the process of laying tracks, which means painstakingly teaching your body this music. It is necessary to take time at this so that your body learns everything correctly. This process feels like work, and brain science shows it also enlarges the capacity of the brain. Of course – you are forming new neural pathways.


Neurons firing


So that is one process, the work of painstaking practice that requires your constant attention.


Then there is the quite different process of performing, which can be for any size audience, including oneself. Now you are allowing yourself to feel the music, to love its beauty and allow joy to course through you.


A pianist performing on a piano in the park


At this moment, you have miles of safe, sound track wired in neurally, thanks to your practice of the first process. You are freed of the worry of making mistakes, of getting anything wrong.


Let life imitate music


An idea that holds true in music practice will find more universal applicability.  Let life imitate music, as well as it can.


Three statues of angels blowing trumpets


What is the spiritual equivalent of laying tracks? What is the essential, slow practice we must undertake, if we are at all serious about advancing, about changing ourselves and our present situations?


Do you desire change?


A grey and white owl, gently laughing


What is the track you must lay, in order to assume that perfect version of yourself, that fully realized, noblest incarnation?

Build in your heart the attributes you want to see manifest in your life.

Do not worry too much about specific situations. You often get carried away, depressed and distracted by situations. You are in the ocean of possibilities. It keeps shifting. Decide where you want to go, and then strike out for it, just as you would if you were in the real ocean. No waves can alter your course.


Two dolphins in a glassy blue sea, one diving, the other swimming.

No waves can alter your course


Build in your heart the attributes you want to see manifest in your life.  It is for each one to decide what is most important.

When you decide upon an attribute that you want, give it a place in your heart, enshrine it on an altar there, with lilies, in peace and gratitude and love.  Keep coming back to visit it, say its name, thank it for being there. Do this as often as you think of it, every day.


A black and white butterfly alighting on a pure white star flower.

Visit your altar often


Tenderness, thank you for your presence in my heart. May you grow and increase and draw more to yourself.  May you always be within me, and me within you. Now that you are in my heart, Tenderness, I can never more think, nor be thought of, without You.

Thank You.


This is laying tracks


A railroad track stretching out to infinity.