Not only is the world you see mirroring you, but it is entirely fashioned by you. It can only be what you call it to be.

The world embraces you, surrounds you, whispering in your ear, what do you wish?  Your wish is my command.



You communicate with the world through your habitual feelings


Each being has a set of habitual feelings through which it cycles constantly. These habitual feelings are enacted in the body in a thousand and one ways. Stress has a signature in the body, raising the heartrate, the blood pressure, shortening the breath, and splintering the conscious control of the mind.

Your habitual feelings create a feeling tone, unique to each being.


From the bridge at Fort Langley, Vancouver, perfectly still waters, with three jetties.


What will your feeling tone be?


Your feeling tone is evident in your stance, your pace, your gestures, and your voice. It is impossible to hide your feeling tone.  The effort to do so only further splinters the little self.

The feeling tone is seen in the aura, and detected in the energy around you. Obediently, with alacrity, the world, more than just mirroring you, molds itself into the exact form that complements your being, like smoke stealing into crevices, seen and unseen.

 A mirror is two dimensional merely, but reality molds itself according to your command in every dimension seen and unseen.


Thanks to Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash


How does this work? If you are despondent, if it is your mind’s habit to dwell on situations that you use to feel sad, or angry, or disrespected, or whatever other way you choose to feel, then the world around you has a clear, strong signal, and responds by sending more of the same kind of situations.


For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance, but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away

Matthew, 25:29


We are what we repeatedly do



If you were unable to exert conscious control of your feeling tone, this would be a dire predicament. You would be condemned to plodding around in the same dreary circles for eternity.


A donkey patiently trudging up a hill


Fortunately, you have complete control over the situation. You are not doomed to plod around in tedious little circles forever.

By becoming conscious of your habitual feelings, you can choose different ones.


Questions enable consciousness


When off balance, ask: “What am I feeling now?  What feeling tone am I creating?  What feeling tone do I want to create?

As much as you have conscious control of your thoughts, so much do you call your world into being.



Be still, and know that I am God




You must dissolve this membrane of self. Stop thinking of the personality as anything meaningful.  It’s a garment.  At one point, you chose it. At any other point you can discard, mend, or replace it. Do not get attached to it.


Photo by Arjun MJ on Unsplash


Your personality has no power that you don’t give it. Dissolve it at every opportunity.

As for the body, it is a communication tool merely. Love, enjoy, take care of it the best you know. Don’t place identity into it. Dissolve identity at every opportunity.


Dissolve all ego 


There is not a function performed by any person, that could not be performed as well by any other. Do not build your identity around a function. Every ego is born to die. Every ego must be dissolved.

Are you an artist or creator?  You all are, with your lives. Stop thinking of anything you create as being in your own particular style, and stop getting invested in your own brand.

All your greatest creations came when the busy self was put aside.


Photo by Nathan Jennings on Unsplash


Know that there is ever present and available an enormous power source. It gently blesses all who turn their attention to it. The more you are conscious of and meditate upon this source of light and goodness, the more It shines like a great sun which does not burn but only exalts, floods, infuses and  flows through its object, blessing everything to the extent that you relinquish these petty threadbare garments, these membranes of self, which only stand in the way.

I and my Father are one

John 10:30





Outside things come by your five physical senses.

Everything that you see: beauty, ugliness, perfection, imperfection,

all that you hear: harmony or discord,

everything you touch, taste or smell.

In short, all creation and fruit of this physical body.


Outside things


You can spend a lifetime on outside things, and often do.

Do I have the right amount of money? Do I deserve more?

How can I improve something, like how I look?

What do I need to be happy and fulfilled?

Why don’t I have more?

How can I get it?

What might be wrong with me? Whose fault is that?

How far back can I look?


On and on.


Statue of the youth Pan, playing his flute in a garden of roses. Bisbee, AZ


Who are you appeasing but the body?


Who but the body will benefit from more supply, more notoriety, more importance, more admiration, more superfluous comfort, and more diverting boondoggles?

Will you spend your life in service of this arrangement of cells?  Would you feed it and clothe it lovingly, slavishly, whispering all day long into its ear the siren song of its pride, successes, failures and fears?

Would you serve it completely?

Would you be its slave?

Would you be slave to the ego, which animates it?



If everything I see is shriveled and crumpled, so much less that its perfect potential, if I see faults and failings everywhere I look, maybe it is ME that is flawed? Something might be wrong with the apparatus, the mechanics, of what I see through. My instrument is flawed,

What if I am just a projector, through which a perfect light must be cast, but there is a big smudge in me, that prevents the light from being projected? How could I see the smudge?  How would I know?


A lighthouse beaming light to a vaulted heaven of stars

Photo by Joshua Hibbert on Unsplash


Would you be the slave of ego?


This is the only question.





A very alert terrier in the attitude of a watchdog, with his front paws on a fence, staring fixedly at a point in the distance.

Image by Marii Siia on Unsplash


All the wisdom possible to man on this material earth is to be found only in complete self-mastery

James Allen,  As a Man Thinketh


And that self-mastery pertains to thought, which is the generative power of every thing, visible and invisible.

Man must, as a practical matter, gain control of his thoughts. This can seem like subduing a pack of ravening wild dogs, but the effort must be made. Everything that comes to you, comes from and through your thoughts.

There is nothing existing in the physical world, that was not thought of first.


And old fashioned silver key, inside a lock in a door.

Image by Amol Tyagi on Unsplash


As the lord of his own thoughts, man holds the key to every situation


Allen is saying that it is in our own power to deliver ourselves from the burdens that preoccupy us. This seems too good to be true.

You must be the watchdog of your own thoughts, like any mastiff trained to sniff out and forcefully repel intruders.

How is this to be done?

You can do it by a physical act.  Write a letter; pour out all the griefs and grievances.  Then burn it. Signify that it has become nothing. You can do this in imagination, or carry it out with your physical body, which gives the ritual more power.


Orange flames against a black ground

Image by Cullan Smith on Unsplash


It is in the conscious control of your thoughts, in self-mastery, that all salvation lies, nowhere else. It is in your own power to deliver salvation to yourself.

This must be the good news they speak of. This is something I can do. This is practical work, something that can be created in deliberate, everyday acts. 

Such as stopping a thought. Practice becoming conscious when you are being swept away in negative emotion. Catch the thought responsible, write it up in your mind, and burn it. Reduce it to absolute nothingness.

Then replace the old thought you have disrupted with a new, better one, whether James Allen’s “Say unto your heart: peace, be still”, or A Course in Miracle’s “I could feel peace instead of this”, or Abraham‘s process of pivoting from the unwanted to the wanted.

A watchdog is always vigilant


Negative thoughts are an army on the march, fed on the food you have given them of fear and anger.  Now it is time to starve them.


Two wolves standing on a rock, very menacing


So be the guardian at the gate. See the thoughts arrive. Plant your legs wide like a Roman centurion, and deny them access. Send away what does not please you.


Statue of Marcus Aurelius upon his stallion, with his hand held up as if to stop and advance.


I let go all that does not serve




A monarch butterfly emerging from its chrysalis

Photo by Bankim Desai on Unsplash


That which I wish to be, I already am.

That which I wish to be, I already am.

That which I wish to be, I already am.


Follow this with an I AM statement. Of course you will have several, thought out in advance by you, preferably written down. This is a list to be constantly amended as you grow. In the same way does a child constantly amend its clothes, as it grows.


Four year old boy in blue shorts, navy cardigan, and bow tie.

Photo by Terricks Noah on Unsplash


That which I wish to be, I already am. That which I wish to be, I already am. That which I wish to be, I already am.

I am the perfection of my organism.

Then feel it through your entire being.


A young woman, eyes closed, in an attitude of quietness

Image by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash


State your claim


Claim what is rightfully yours. The only way to actualize what you want is to claim it.

If you do not claim what you want, how can it come to you?

How does anyone claim what they want?


You know it is by your feelings. The feeling you would have if it were done, this thing you want.


First cease to want


Refuse to exist in an energy of wanting. To do so is only to practice the feeling of being without.

Only those who are without, want for a thing. This wanting feeling is the enemy of your achievement and happiness, and must be rooted out assiduously wherever it is met with.


A javelina, a press army that resembles a wild hog, on the search for forage.


How is this to be done?

The next time you catch yourself in the energy of wanting, go immediately to your I AMs.

I am the perfection of my organism.

I am the fulfillment of family harmony.

I am the resurrection and the life of whatever positive thing I desire.


That which I wish to be


A soft brown and orange colored butterfly alights on a brilliant orange flower, petals up, in supplication.

I already am


There is power in words. They crystallize thought. Say them aloud, or write them. By repetition, you set them in motion in your brain, and feel their import in your larger being.

I am the perfection of my organism.

Then meditate even a few seconds upon that. Doing so, you completely change the energy around you.

The more times you bring your wants into consciousness and then dismiss them, the more you charge your spiritual power.  The more peace, the more comfort do you have.


It is in your own hands


Drawing of open, outstretched, asking hands





To search for what you want in the outer activity is fruitless. If it does not first exist in the inner, it can never exist in the outer. Waiting on the outer to deliver what you want is like giving a monkey a typewriter and waiting for him to bang out the complete works of Shakespeare. Sure, it could happen. There’s an ever better chance that it won’t, and meanwhile you’ve wasted all the time you had for no certain result.


A laughing monkey

Photo by Dmitriy Zub on Unsplash


Searching in the outer for what you want is as futile as attempting to mend a leak in your sprinkler, one drop of water at a time.

You can never arrange the outer to bring what you are seeking. It must first exist otherwhere, within, where it is absolute, and all outer appearances must give way to its gentle and unyielding power.


A flower, perched in the moments before full unfurling of its bloomwer


As within, so without

Hermes Tresmegistus


What is held to within must actualize in the outer, which exists only to mimic, mirror and outpicture what is within.

Think of your inner as an eternal flame. As low as this flame may go, as unregarded as it may be, it can never go out, for it is the light within you, who are the actualization of God.


A flame burning gently in a votive before a small, seated Hindu figure

Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash


Of course it is very much in your interest to nurture and nourish this flame.


By cultivating the practice of becoming quiet.  The more practice, the better.


Pray without ceasing

Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians


A Thai style Buddha statue, eyes closed, in meditation, with tree behind.


Create inward space, and then convert all this space into one giant ask. Become the question. Ask for what you want by becoming a wide channel for it. Be open to help from unexpected quarters. Be receptive to the help you have asked for.

At the same time, strongly affirm your faith in the power of the flame within.


I do accept the full activity of my mighty I AM presence

The Discourses of St. Germain